Friday, April 25, 2014

On The Road Again

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, I have been away from my computer these last two weeks exploring Europe on spring break! Let’s see if I can get you caught up shall we?
We started off for our first stop, Vienna, Austria, in the early morning. As usual, it seems all of our trips start early in the morning and I usually have a significant lack of caffeine in me. Vienna was beautiful even though it rained the first day we were there. We dropped our bags off and went straight for a museum, and of course on the way it started to sprinkle, rain, then to come down in buckets. At this point we were again running like mad men through a German speaking country. I’m seeing a pattern here people.
                Since the weather wasn’t the best we went to see the Imperial Treasury of Vienna. This collection, which we had been told was one of the best, holds treasures from what was the Holy Roman Empire (So pretty much the majority of Europe). We saw the crown of the Holy Roman Emperor, robes and traditional dress that the people would have worn, relics of saints and anything you could ever think of.  What I thought was really interesting was that all of the pieces with jewels and stones weren’t perfect. I mean, now a days everyone is obsessed with flawless jewels and symmetry and back then I guess the raw imperfections of the pieces were more beautiful and I think I would have to agree.
Another museum that I got to visit was the Museum of Natural History and Art. I honestly couldn’t tell you what my favorite part was. It was filled with Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Greek and Roman exhibits. Something that I did love was the sheer fact I was in the presence of works done by Rubens, Vermeer, Rembrandt, Raphael and Caravaggio and so many other greats. It was more than amazing to just stand there and gaze at these paintings. I had a constant smile on my face and I would have been content to wander in these exhibits all day. My soul was happy J.
We also visited St. Stephan’s Cathedral which was gorgeous!  No matter how many churches and cathedrals I see I will always be impressed and in awe that they were created by man. That the men creating this image of beauty knew they would never see it completed in their life time but they still dedicated their lives to the creation, hoping others would follow the plan of their dream.
Something that I learned was that since Austria is a Republic they wrote into their constitution that no Habsburg may enter Austria. Unless…. They were to give up all claim to the Empire, their royal lineage, all of their royal artifacts, as well as their lands, titles and holdings. Most refuse to give up their claim just in case they have a chance to return (even though that will never happen) and to pass on that lineage to their children since it’s kind of all they have left. Walking around this museum we saw cradles and baby clothes for the child to be baptized, candles and portraits that this family can never pass on to their future generations. They had to leave everything behind and now all they have is a story in a history book to tell their families. So yeah, I feel a little sorry for them.
Now onto Venice! Woohoo!!!
Our trip to Venice consisted of a very long and boring bus ride. With me being a fairly tall person it was difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep in. I eventually gave up all pretenses of being lady like and just stuck my legs up in the air against the windows so my head wouldn’t be hanging off the edge of the seat like I was waiting for the chopping block. I was wearing pants so don’t worry about me potentially flashing unsuspecting passerby. I’m telling you the struggle was real.
Venice is an absolutely beautiful city! Very touristy but still beautiful. We visited the Doge’s Palace in St. Mark Square which was pretty cool. There was a large open area in the center and everywhere you looked was richly decorated. I think my favorite part of the tour was walking across the Bridge of Sighs and seeing it from this point of view rather than from the outside. The bridge is where prisoners would be transferred from their sentencing to the jail and where they could get one last glimpse of the outside world. They call it the Bridge of Sighs because those who were convicted knew this small glance may the last they ever see the sun and of their beloved Venice.
I was excited to see St. Mark’s Cathedral again after so many years it was still as beautiful as I remember it but I wish we could have been there in the morning, just to see the light hitting the golden tiles and making everything glow. What was really special was that we visited the church on Palm Sunday. A few of us donated what change we could to the church and received Palms (olive branches) and blessed them in Holy Water. I carried my branch around with me for the rest of the day and at one point an older gentleman approached me gesturing to the branch in my hands. He asked if I had visited the church and when I replied ‘yes’ he covered his heart with both hands then reached out and touched my cheek saying “Thank you. Thank you. Beautiful” and walked away. It may sound awkward but it was actually a really neat moment. This man wanted nothing from me (which is not a normal thing over here. Everyone wants something) but to share, and almost rejoice, in the fact that I had gone to church. For those who know me you know that I have never been a deeply religious person but the look on his face and the tone of his voice is not something I am going to forget.

Of course no adventure of mine is complete without me getting lost at some point in time and this trip was no different! Let's just say that I saw more of the TRUE Venice rather than the touristy side than I thought I would. I tried to find my hostel and wound up wandering around the island for maybe an hour or so only to find out I was on the wrong side of the canal! For this I give all credit to Jan for the wonderful and overly exaggerated tour of Venice when we arrived. (To explain, our leader decided to take us the absolute longest way to get anywhere! Just to make us walk. And walk. And walk. As a prank. Be warned good sir, your time will come.) So yes, I got lost. Again. I felt I deserved a couple big scoops of gelato after that one.J

In front of the gardens and museum in Vienna! What a beautiful day to be out and about.

The courtyard of the Doge's Palace and the ceiling of a stairwell inside. Would it be acceptable for me to just lay on the floor and stare??

A peek outside from the Bridge of Sighs in Venice. "Goodbye cruel world! Hello dungeon!"

Just me chilling on a bridge over the canal.

Me on the Realto Bridge (aka the most photographed bridge in the world) with my olive branch from St. Mark's Cathedral.

Me again... Hi! Just sending my love from Venice, that's all :)

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