Thursday, April 3, 2014

Favorite Memory

         Ok so this is a little side note so bare with me please and thank you! Some of you who are reading this blog know that this is my second trip over seas. I had the amazing opportunity to travel with the Nebraska Honor Choir after I graduated from high school and one of the places that we performed was in Prague. One of my absolute favorite memories from being in Europe was when our choir visited a small church, nothing too glamours or extravagant. towards the front of the chapel there was this arching bridge that we ended up fitting our entire group on and of course our director had the wonderful idea for us to sing... The church was packed, not even room to lift your arms from your sides to take a picture so it was a little more intimidating and nerve wracking than we wanted for a performance, especially one that wasn't planned or expected. The song we chose to sing was Amazing Grace and I honestly thought no one but us would know what it was. I could not have been more wrong. everyone inside of this structure started to sing in their own language, literally filling the place to its rafters with music.

          I still get chills thinking about it but when I got home I couldn't remember where this memory had actually happened. When we visited Prague Castle this past weekend we went to a side church that was mostly for the women inside the castle grounds. Low and behold it was the same church. I cannot even begin to tell you how happy this made me. I am pretty sure I was walking around with a stupid grin on my face a mile wide. The past few weeks I have been trying to adjust to living in a  new country with a language I don't understand and small things that through me through a loop and here is this one tiny memory from years ago that smacks me right in the face.
          It helped remind me that even though I am an outsider here in this country, I nearly butcher the language every time I try to speak it, and I stick out like a sore thumb in a crowd, that we are all connected in some way. No matter where we come from or what language we speak we are more alike than any one of us may realize. Knowing this made me feel better and a little more confident about my adventures here in the Czech.

          Sorry for the side note but I just had to add it in here.

So here is an awkward picture of me on the bride at the church. And yes that is the goofy, happy grin I had plastered on my face.

The bridge and alter.

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